

Despite the importance of agriculture in Uganda’s economy, the sector’s performance in recent years in terms of production and productivity, food and nutrition security has not been satisfactory mainly due to: slow technological innovations and adoption particularly among women farmers despite being the majority labor force; poor management of pests and diseases; limited access to land and agricultural finance that disproportionately affects women and youth farmers; a weak agricultural extension system, with access to extension services lowest among women, as well as over dependency on rain-fed agriculture. The majority of the women farmers lack ownership and control over land.

In addition, there are connectivity problems between the production areas and final markets leading to high transportation costs that reduce agricultural profit margins. The sector is also characterized by limited value addition which is attributed to poor post-harvest handling techniques, inadequate bulking and storage facilities, and high electricity costs. Besides, limited market information and capacity of the primary producers to meet the standards required in the export market limits the sector’s contribution to the country’s export earnings.

To enhance the sector’s contribution to wealth and job creation, there is need to address the critical gaps in production, transport, post-harvest handling, processing and marketing of agricultural products so as to maximize the benefits from the agriculture value chains. It is within this framework that Care Africa Community Initiatives Uganda will position its self to make a contribution through the following:

Strategic Objective 1: Increase agricultural production and productivity

Strategic Interventions

  • Strengthen ecologically sound agricultural research and climate change resilient technologies and practices.
  • Strengthen quality assurance, regulation and safety standards for agricultural products.
  • Increase access to agricultural finance services.
  • Accelerate the development and commercialization of prioritized agricultural commodities.
  • Increase market access for agricultural products.
  • Promote commercialization of agriculture particularly among small holder farmers.
  • Strengthen farmer group formation and cohesion including commodity associations, platforms, federations and cooperatives.
  • Enhance Sustainable Land Management practices.
  • Promote time and labor saving technologies targeting women farmers.

 Strategic Objective 2: Increase access to critical farm inputs

 Strategic Interventions

  • Improve access to high quality animal breeds, seeds and planting materials.
  • Enhance access to and use of fertilizers by both women and men.
  • Increase access to water for agricultural production.
  • Increase agricultural mechanization.

 Strategic Objective 3: Improve agricultural markets and value addition for prioritized commodities

 Strategic Interventions

  • Promote private sector investment in value addition.
  • Build capacities of farmers, traders and processors in quality standards and market requirements.
  • Promote investment in storage infrastructure to reduce post-harvest losses.