Who We Are?

about Us


Care Africa community

initiative Uganda is anon profit-making organization that was formed in 2017and was fully registered as community (C B O s) at the sub county and the district level on the 22nd of February 2021 with the registration number DDLG/CBO/2021/002. by Mr. Okonye Isaac pate commonly known as Mr. Pato who is a nurse and whose story of life is writen in the hearts of those who saw him grow up in  difficult moments and  from an idea developed after  a meeting where many members who were also residents of amonolco  village came out with a number of challenges faced in the community amongst which the group suggested we repair  broken down water points so that the community is assured of clean and safe water during dry season when there is scarcity of water , health service provision which has been a long term problem faced in the area , nutrition and food security, and livelihood programs in the community among others


The project head office is located in Dokolo town along Bata road opposite St john secondary school. another office is in okwalongwen trading center Amon oloco Village, okwalongwen parish, okwalongwen Sub-County, Dokolo District Lango sub-region northern part of Uganda. The project is currently working with vulnerable children, mothers, people with disability, and elderly persons. People with disabilities, orphans and pregnant mothers are the most affected group in Dokolo District and entire Lango community especially the pregnant mothers during pregnancies and after child birth, since most of them are school dropout and are teenagers. Negative attitudes towards people with disabilities and elderly persons by the entire community has also made matters worse and this has led to increased numbers of death among this group because some time they are left in the house without food and water for drinking, and these  has been so rampant since the  rate in poverty increased among the people in the entire community of the Lango Most of  people in this community are living on subsistence farming which cannot change their life. Many yang children majorly the girls are dropping out of school and ending up in early pregnancy leading to increased numbers of teen age pregnancy and child mother at the end .since there is increased numbers of teen age pregnancy, most of this young mothers are not able to deliver virginally which has made most of them producing though caesarian section and yet they cannot afford the high cost of the hospital bill and these has made the lives of the most young mothers very difficult in the community.

the take off point was how perceptions started changing and the overwhelming support it generated from political/church leaders, business  and the general community and the general public, this lead to the establishment of this organization on 03.06.2017 by Mr. Okonye Isaac pate commonly known as Mr. Pato


OJ care disability foundation


Dokolo district local government


Respect for human dignity

Equality and Equity as a right for all individuals

Diversity and cross-cultural understanding

Partnership with honesty and respect

Community involvement in development drive

Innovation and creativity

Equal treatment for all people

Promotion of human dignity